This blog is mainly designed for both aviation and photo enthousiasts. I try to post a lot of pictures, mainly related to aviation, but sometimes just about me... I hope you'll enjoy this website.


Wednesday, January 30, 2008

C'est la gloire internationale !!! ("International glory !").

I posted that picture of the Cedar Key's cat more like a joke than to really compete, without any real ambition... But surprise ... It seems it will be published... I'm now a real photographer ...!!!! Amazing.
For the sceptical people, I post the proof... (I now Merlin will say it's a photoshop hoax... well it's not! )
Well, this being told, I'm pretty satisfied of my picture, I really like it, but I suspect this contest to be a mere bogus, as it seems too easy ... I'm sniffing some scam around the whole thing... Let's see if I'm really published one day.

Note : To see the picture in good quality, browse down on my blog, you'll find it in the message "KNAV->KCDK (Daytona Intl -> Cedar Key)" from Dec 21, 2007.


Unknown said...

C'est quoi cette "preuve"? T'as recu ce document chez toi? Si oui c'est que ca a l'air serieux. Peut-etre le début d'une grande carrière! ;)

BinouZe said...

lol, ouais par la poste, mais ce concours je suis pas sur que c'est du grand serieux?

Merlin said...

Je vais mener mon enquête...