This blog is mainly designed for both aviation and photo enthousiasts. I try to post a lot of pictures, mainly related to aviation, but sometimes just about me... I hope you'll enjoy this website.


Saturday, January 19, 2008

KDAB -> KVNC (Daytona Intl -> Venice)

A lit' bit late as we flew that one on Jan 11th, but here are some of the picts... A nice flight, 5.2 hours (good for the log book as well). (even in a C152, isn't it the nicest office in the world ?!!!) Also I flew past the NASA shuttle launch facilities many times now, but never took picts before : so here is a (bad coz misty) pict of the NASA thing.
I almost didn't fly this last week due to bad, low ceiling, rainy, windy, misty fucking weather, but I plan to fly tomorrow to St Simons Island, and I'm also beginning to think seriously about a Coast to Coast trans US flight... Huge planning, but should be fun to fly in the grand canyon, over Las Vegas and to San Francisco... for exemple. Let's see if I can plan that.

1 comment:

Merlin said...

Effectivement on voit pas très bien la plateforme de la NASA.
En tout cas nous sommes le 22 janvier alors BON ANNIVERSAIRE Porcinet !!!
Ben oui tu croyais quand même pas que j'allais louper l'occasion de te dire que t'es un vieux joucrebu !!!!!

PS: Pas besoin de facebook pour moi ! ;-)