This blog is mainly designed for both aviation and photo enthousiasts. I try to post a lot of pictures, mainly related to aviation, but sometimes just about me... I hope you'll enjoy this website.


Sunday, August 30, 2009

New format

I'm changing the layout of my blog, to a more convenient format, wider, with pictures 2 by 2. I hope that you'll find it better. Tell me if you have any suggestions to improve this blog while I'm working on it !

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Some more ...

Oliv, a friend of mine said "it's a pity that you're always zooming in too much ; I want to see what's around ..." So two more pictures for him, zoomed out this time, even if I think that they are not as beautiful (that's why I didn't picked them for last post ^^)...

Sunday, August 16, 2009

LFTZ shots and news

Hi ! The summer break is almost over for most students, and I'm happy to say that I also found something to do in September. I'll Tow gliders for free, building up flight time, and getting ready for employment for whenever that crisis is ending.
In the meantime, I'm still looking for more serious jobs in airlines, corporate jets, or even a contract for any pilot job that comes with a salary (I might have something like that in store for next spring already, but I still need to confirm that).
Here are some more shots of that busy little airport near my current location : LFTZ. Biggest airplane that lands here is the Bombardier Dash Q 400 from Baboo Airline. I took pictures of it last sunday... Here they are.

Cheers !

Monday, August 3, 2009

2 weeks of hiking in the French Alps

Lately I went to the Alps for 2 weeks of hiking there.
I love mountains so much, it's so beautiful, so peaceful !
I also bought new hiking shoes as my old ones finally died in action after all these last years of walking the mountains. I'm pretty happy with these new ones : Lowa, Tibet pro GTX.
I post some pictures here in an effort to share all the beauty of mountains, but it's really nothing compared to the real thing.